Candlestick Patterns
Over 100 Daily and Historical Candlestick patterns across 45,000 tickers and 20 exchanges!
Technical Indicators
Over 300 Daily and Historical Technical Indicators across 45,000 tickers and 20 exchanges!
Fibs and Darvas Boxes
15 Fibonacci retracement and projection points as well as
Darvas Box calculations.
Amazon Data Exchange & Databricks
historical data sets or end-of-day data
Do you want decades of historical technical indicator data, candlestick patterns, advance/decline indicators, fibonacci retracement and projection points? Or, do you want Daily Stock Prices, Indicators & Candlesticks – for tens of thousands of tickers on a myriad of different exchanges?
Daily A/D IndicatorsDaily Prices & Technical IndicatorsHistorical CandlesticksHistorical Fibonacci’sHistorical A/D IndicatorsDaily Prices & Candlestick Patterns

Our Exchanges
We pull in the daily OHLC + Volume and (if available) the ISIN # for the following exchanges and calculate over 180 Technical Indicators (330 with our variations), 110 Japanese Candlestick patterns and 15 Fibonacci Retracements & Projections. We also have up to 50 years of historical data. Contact us if you need a different exchange.
BATS Exchange (ETF’s)
Bombay Stock Exchange
Brussels Euronext
Crypto Currencies
Global Indices
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Korea Stock Exchange
London Stock exchange
Nasdaq Stock Exchange
NSE India Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
NYSE MKT – NYSE American
Pink Sheets
Saudi Arabia – Tadawul
Singapore Stock Exchange
Shanghai Stock Exchange
Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Tokyo Stock Exchange
Toronto NEO Exchange
Toronto Stock Exchange
Toronto Venture Exchange
Our philosophy
Using the power of OLAP to find the best combinations of technical indicators
MACD, RSI, Williams %R, Candlestick Patterns, Fibonacci Ratios? It’s all very confusing but when you understand the power of using mutually complimentary indicators, based on historical performance, you give yourself a tremendous edge over other investors.
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Historical OHLCV, Metadata, Indicators, Japanese Candlesticks, Fibonacci Projections/Retracements (MSFT) | Advance/Decline Indicators for Singapore Exchange | Spreads (Variance) between Gold/Silver
IndicatorsCandlesticksFibonacci’sAdvance/Decline IndicatorsSpreadsContact us
Feel free to reach out to us with any issues you may encounter or if you have a special request such as calculating candlesticks, indicators, fibonacci projections etc…, for other exchanges.